From A Negative Attitude to Gratitude

Enjoy the little things, because one day you'll look back and realize they were big things. That's gratitude.
Negative attitudes are common, the most common attitudes there is. 

Negative are attitudes are greatly despised
But a person can change
For the better
And to be wise.
Yes, a person can change
From a negative attitude
And hating things everywhere he goes
Change for the better, to have an attitude Of gratitude. 

Attitudes of gratitudes
Display nothing but smiles
No one hates a thank you
But it's nicer to give one
And expect a your welcome
A show of appreciation. 

Positive attitudes 
Not just gratitudes
Are the best there can be
Negative attitudes 
Like anger and hate
Are the he worst state
Change from your attitude 
Your negative attitude 
To an attitude of gratitude
If possible 


  1. No attitude is better than am attitude of gratitude.
    (There would have been no better way to give this message than a poem).
    Thank you

  2. Well done Tise....
    Indeed, we need to change our negative attitudes to gratitude...

  3. This is great work! We ALL should show an attitude of gratitude every once in a while. Also I love the poem! ��


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