Talk About Trash

Where I live, it's not surprising to see trash on the streets. The world can't really save itself 'cos of our litter. When you use a tissue, dispose of it properly, not on the streets, not in the drainage, but in a BIN. I mean it's not so hard to do. Or is it?

Who wants to change the world? You have to make a series of little differences to make a big one. Remember the three Rs- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

When you think of throwing a piece of tissue out the window of your car next time, think of the damage you are causing to the earth. Imagine yourself in Miss Earth's place and how much pain you're feeling being littered by the people who you have have given a home for many years. Doesn't sound great does it?




By T. Osimokun


  1. I'm guessing it's not so hard to look for a dustbin is it?


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