
Showing posts from November, 2020

What Did You Say?

Excuse me but what did you just say? I believe you didn't just rudely insult us? Oh, so now you want to take it back? Sorry, I do not accept your apology.  Hello! That was a downright example of making a mistake with your words! I assume everyone has made a little slip up with our language every once in a while. Once it is said, there are NO take-backsies. I mean, you made a mistake and said something you would rather not have said, it' not like the other person can just forgive you.  Give them some time, and if you're lucky they'd forgive you immediately and take It as a mistake. But some don't forget and forgive that easily. Learn to watch your tone and the things that you say because there are certain people who actually do not forgive you, at all. Or they just take sometime.  Hope you got the memo, enjoy your day!

Not Again!

 Good evening or whatever time you are reading this. The follow-up question is, what is this very special and dedicated blog post about? Lucky you, because this post is about YOU! How is it about you, you ask? Well, no human on Earth, absolutely NON, is perfect, including YOU. And sometimes we can't help but make mistakes, even though they can be avoided. No matter what happens, I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, she's not perfect and he's not perfect. NOT as long as you are on this Earth you are not perfect. But I believe that if you are on another Earth you might be perfect. It just depends, no one is perfect at ALL.  Maybe I may be coming on a little too strong. Like I said before, no one is perfect and we all make mistakes, therefore we make continual mistakes, over and over again. Sometimes we don't even know we are making a mistake but we ARE. Most times we do know. The advice that I give, is that for us who make knowing mistakes, I think we have to stop...

Is That My Landlord?!

 I don't actually have a Landlord, it's just something someone would say if they saw their angry Landlord marching toward their house. But now, why is he angry and coming your way? Well, he's coming because in the few days you've been living in his apartment, you have obliterated the neighborhood with your litter, the neighbors are getting mad, and everyone is shouting at you. Some people are even moving away because they can't keep up with the smell, which is bad for Mr Chinedu Adedayo, your Landlord's, business.  I know you all understand the scenario, it's an angry Landlord coming to scold you for littering. I guess I and Mr Adedayo think alike, we both hate littering. Littering is bad, it spoils the Earth and its beauty. Everything good about the Earth becomes bad just because a few people decided that their legs wouldn't walk anymore to stand up and find a dustbin. It's a serious issue around the world. I know that every single person reading th...

Victim Or Victorious

A father asked his son what he wanted to be in the future. The son said happy. Then the father said that he doesn't understand what he meant. The boy replied that the father doesn't understand life. Through ten years I've lived I have observed many kinds of people. For the sake of this article I will break these people down into two categories; those with a victim mentality and those with a victor mentality. Those with the victim mindset interpret the world totally different from those with victor mindset. They view the world and its obstacles as an unfair challenge and those with the victor mindset view obstacles as an opportunity to overcome.  Which one are you? 1. The victim believes the whole world is against them/The victor believes the whole world needs them. 2. The victim sees a challenge as an obstacle/The victor sees an obstacle as an opportunity. 3. The victim depends on handouts from others to succeed/The victor makes do with what they already have to succeed. 4....