What Did You Say?

Excuse me but what did you just say? I believe you didn't just rudely insult us? Oh, so now you want to take it back? Sorry, I do not accept your apology. Hello! That was a downright example of making a mistake with your words! I assume everyone has made a little slip up with our language every once in a while. Once it is said, there are NO take-backsies. I mean, you made a mistake and said something you would rather not have said, it' not like the other person can just forgive you. Give them some time, and if you're lucky they'd forgive you immediately and take It as a mistake. But some don't forget and forgive that easily. Learn to watch your tone and the things that you say because there are certain people who actually do not forgive you, at all. Or they just take sometime. Hope you got the memo, enjoy your day!