Victim Or Victorious

A father asked his son what he wanted to be in the future. The son said happy. Then the father said that he doesn't understand what he meant. The boy replied that the father doesn't understand life.

Through ten years I've lived I have observed many kinds of people. For the sake of this article I will break these people down into two categories; those with a victim mentality and those with a victor mentality.
Those with the victim mindset interpret the world totally different from those with victor mindset. They view the world and its obstacles as an unfair challenge and those with the victor mindset view obstacles as an opportunity to overcome. 

Which one are you?
1. The victim believes the whole world is against them/The victor believes the whole world needs them.
2. The victim sees a challenge as an obstacle/The victor sees an obstacle as an opportunity.

3. The victim depends on handouts from others to succeed/The victor makes do with what they already have to succeed.

4. The victim is never satisfied and always looking for more/The victor is grateful for what they already have.

5. The victim feels like everybody owes them something/The victor believes nobody owes them anything.

6. The victim lives off other people/The victor lives to bless other people.


  1. I wonder what I am... What about you? I think I'd rather be a victor and have victory, than be a victim and endure failure.


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