Buzz Me✉

 Heyo! Sorry if I've been a bit distant lately, in my defence I've just finished my Mock Papers some weeks ago, and just being naturally busy. But I would always find time to write another effective blog post for all of you!

Speaking of making time for you, when was the last time you gave your mother a call? When was the last time you rang a close friend who lives abroad? 

Now it's Christmas time, I think you ought to make it family time, friendship time, and all the other times you could think of. These days, people are suffering, suffering more than even you could imagine. I'm not saying you are suffering, but everything is a blessing, every plate of jollof rice and chicken and salad with Maltina and plantain with pepper and beans is an advantage. That one pepperoni on pizza is a gift, intact that overrated 10 naira note is a prize. Appreciate it...

As I was saying, anyone could be suffering, but you wouldn't know, because the victim tries so very hard to hide their 'pain'. Be nice, just be nice, something you say could be a really bad shove to a person who only needs kindness and love. 

Look out for others, call them up to check on them. Especially in this time of chaos and hoho-ha. Ring dad up and see how he's doing. 

Remember, be kind. 

PS. I'm waiting for you buzz. BUZZ ME


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